Friday, April 10, 2009

VT-4 Warbucks and the T6 Texan

My first training squadron was VT-4 the fighting Warbucks. I started flying the T-6 Texan, a single prop plane during primary training. The first 5 flights, the NFO (Naval Flight Officer = backseater = me), actually got to fly! I even landed it a couple of times. Then, we move back to our seat and begin to learn our responsibilities. During this phase, we were mostly getting familiar with talking on the radios, basic air navigation skills, and basic airwork recognition (airspeed, altitude, etc.) It was a great plane to fly and the BEST squadron to be in!!!

Standing in front of the Blue Angel's line. They were in the hangar next to us!

Flying my first formation flight!

When my training progressed a certain amount of time, we were allowed to go on cross country flights. The first one I took was to Boston, MA. On the way, we were allowed to take an aerial tour of Niagra Falls from 4,000 feet! It was the best view!

1 comment:

  1. I was in AMD, at Sherman Field, when we went over to the next hangar and formed a brand new squadron, known as VT-4. We tried the T-38 Talon and the T2J-1 Buckeye. The Buckeye won, and the rest is history.This was in 1960. Great squadron! Chuck Williams
