Thursday, April 30, 2009

UK in VA!

April 2009
Uncle Kenny came to see me!!! I was so excited when I got his message that he wanted to come down and visit with his new lady friend, Elizabeth (aka Bucky). We are really close for being uncle and niece, and it's so nice to have company while I'm still med down! We went to the best restaurants in the area, hung out at the beach with the dogs, took a tour of the base, and went fishing! On base, they actually took a tour of the simulator building and both got to fly the F-18!!! Fishing was his number one priority, and Hall and Brittany took us all out on his boat. There's only room for 3, so Brit and I took the kayaks and a few beers and floated! While we were out on the inlet, we saw a bald eagle! Hall had been trying to convince me for weeks that he's seen one, and I didn't believe him! But there it was, and we took a ton of pictures of it! It was a beautiful day, and I really think they had a great time! We also got to see all of his Alaska pictures, which were amazing. I can't wait to go up and visit him and Clay the first chance I get! The last night they were here, I took them to the cul-de-sac where my dad watched my first flight, and they LOVED the noise! We stood there until dark, and watched as jet after jet took off and landed right over our heads! It was a great visit and I miss him tons!

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